Brookfield State School is committed to providing a safe, respectful and
disciplined learning environment for all students and working environment for
all staff members.
The Brookfield State School Student Code of Conduct sets out the
responsibilities and processes we use in our school to promote a productive,
effective whole school approach to discipline.
Its purpose is to facilitate high standards of behaviour from all in the school
community, ensuring learning and teaching in our school is prioritised, all
students are able to experience success and all staff members enjoy a safe
Brookfield State School enjoys a very supportive, cooperative school community. Staff members provide an excellent service to parents, carers and students, and parents and carers provide excellent support to their children and our staff. Parents and teachers work together to support student learning and school life.
The research-based Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework is used to promote appropriate behaviour and address instances of inappropriate behaviour. Our Behaviour Response Procedure consists of proactive, positive actions and a process for increasing intervention for inappropriate behaviour including warnings, time out, office referral, parent contact and Reflection Room.
We value five expectations of all members of our school community:
- Respectful – showing courtesy to others, objects and the environment
- Responsible – doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Being
prepared and trustworthy
- Resilient – bouncing back when things go wrong
- Safe – Ensuring the physical and mental health wellbeing of ourselves and
- Kind – Being friendly, generous and considerate
Five over-arching rules guide our students’ behaviour:
- Follow directions straight away
- Be in the right place
- Keep hands and feet to ourselves
- Listen and speak in a friendly way
- Care for others, objects and the environment
These expectations are reinforced verbally through recognition and encouragement and through awards on assembly, in-class systems and tokens.
The Bounce Back program is implemented throughout the school to develop social skills, emotional wellbeing and practical resilience strategies for dealing with anxiety and stress. The Zones of Regulation program is taught in Prep to Year 3 to develop students' emotional regulation.
Students are taught the “High Five" for dealing with people bothering them and to report physical behaviour to a staff member straight away. Physical misconduct results in immediate time out and more serious consequences depending on the severity.
Every year, we participate in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.

Further information on supporting positive student behaviour is available at