Parent Information
Student Information
Enrichment Opportunities
When moving to a home learning environment, keep in mind that we are all transitioning to this environment and it will take time to set up, try, adjust and develop each time. Please keep in contact as needed.
Please contact your child’s class teacher or one of the following support people for assistance:
- ICT-related support -
- Students with learning difficulties and students requiring extension – Prep to Year 3 Mrs Anna Vella; Year 4-6 Sarah O’Donoghue
- Students with disabilities – Ms Megan Brodie, Inclusion Teacher
- Complex cases and mental health concerns – Prep to Year 3 Deputy Principal Mrs Leah Cathcart or Year 4-6 Deputy Principal Katie Lewis or the Guidance Officer via the Administration Office
- Administrative matters – 3374 7333 or
For unresolved, ongoing or more complex matters, please contact our Prep to Year 3 Deputy Principal
Mrs Leah Cathcart or Year 4-6 Deputy Principal Katie Lewis
Following this or for more serious matters, please contact our Principal Mrs Leanne Duncan
We recognise that most parents are not teachers and are still working and so we are endeavouring to provide learning that is:
- straightforward for students to access, knowing that students will need to be taught how to access learning in a different environment from a classroom
- age appropriate
- at an instructional level with a little bit of challenge if supported by a teaching video or similar
- at an independent level if students are completing tasks
- high-quality online and offline, using existing and new resources
This is a flexible program for learning to cater for families’ needs. It does not need to be completed in a particular order or at certain times with the exception of scheduled daily Teams/Zoom (Prep) class check-ins (these are optional).
Example Flexible Timetable 
Students are invited to connect with their teachers via Teams/Zoom each day. Times will be advised by teachers.
School devices
School devices will be loaned when available. Please contact
USBs and collection of materials
Please liaise with your child’s class teacher about swapping USBs if your internet connection is inadequate.
OneNote Notebooks can be synced at home (during non-peak internet times tends to be more reliable).
Learning materials may need to be collected over the coming weeks. Teachers will advise of when and where this will take place.
At all times when collecting items from school during the lockdown, please
- do not enter the office – phone if necessary
- wear your mask
- sanitise your hands
- maintain physical distance from others
- do not touch others’ materials
Health and Safety
To support our response to the coronavirus pandemic, health and safety measures will remain in place, including:
- Unwell students and adults are not to attend school and should seek medical advice. This is a Chief Health Officer direction.
- Phone and email when possible rather than coming in to school
- Restricted numbers of students in rooms
- Wear a mask
- Maintain a distance of 1.5m as much as possible
- Sneeze/Cough etiquette - cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow; dispose of tissues in the bin immediately
Thank you for your ongoing support and the important efforts you are making to stop the spread of coronavirus and keep your children safe and well.