Each parent of a child who is of compulsory school age has the legal obligation to ensure their child is enrolled and attends a school full-time on every school day for the educational program in which the child is enrolled, unless the parent has a
reasonable excuse.
Notifying the school of absences
The safety and wellbeing of students are the highest priorities for our school. Parents need to know if their child hasn't arrived at school, and schools need to know when and why a child is absent.
Please provide
a reason for your child's absence before or as early as possible on the day of the absence by:
- Emailing
absences@brookfieldss.eq.edu.au and your child's class teacher (be aware that the teacher may be away and may not receive the message)
- Phoning (07) 3374 7360 (absence line) or Phoning (07) 3374 7333 and choosing Option 1
- Using QParents
A child should be enrolled in and attend school from the beginning of the school year in the year that they turn compulsory school age (six years and six months).
Please refer to our Attendance and Absence Policy (PDF, 271KB) for further information.