Brookfield Provisional School opened on 27 March 1871 on 2 acres donated by Mr J. W. Barnett. The original school building is used for a number of purposes today including staff meetings, curriculum planning sessions, collaborative year level meetings and student lessons.
In 2021, we celebrated our 150th anniversary.
Time capsule
On Wednesday 8 May 2013 we reflected on the past 125 years with the unveiling of the bicentennial time capsule.
Mr Tom Cusack, principal from 1984–2001, our school’s longest serving principal, attended with his wife, Julie, along with past students, parents, staff and P&C members.
The school had an enrolment of 183 students in 1988 with 8 classes. Today there are 511 students and 21 classes.
The contents of the time capsule were showcased in the Resource centre and then were displayed at the Brookfield Show.

Contents of the time capsule included:
- School information including
- handbook
- tuckshop, book and uniform price list
- selected newsletters
- calendar and recipe book
- audio cassette containing children's discussions
- lists of staff and pupils 1988
- reports by Principal, School Captain, P&C President, Treasurer and annual general meeting minutes 1988
- Year seven's own predictions of their occupations
- Miss Wood's (Year 5 teacher) pay slip
- photographs and information about a range of school events.
- Miscellaneous information including
- Courier Mail dated 6 December 1988
- South West News dated 30 November 1988
- pamphlets and sheets containing articles and photographs of popular toys, games and books, also food and clothing, video, movies and popular people, and one week's television timetable and some EXPO information.

The wording on the plaque reads:
'A time capsule recording the bi-centennial year was buried beneath this plaque by the Brookfield State School Parents and Citizens Association on the 8th December, 1988 to be opened in the year 2013.'